
Environmental videos

name of producer: Ashley Hodson


location: All across the US


run time: ??


short summary: Two women, a car and a road map to an ecologically diverse future.

permalink: http://sustainableroute.com


name of producer: David Howell Studios

location: Minnesota

run time: 1:02 

short summary: Sunday recycling looked at from a different persective. 

permalink: http://www.davidhowellstudios.com/2007/04/15/recycling


name of producer: Jen of Ebb and Flow

location: Global

run time: 1:46

short summary: Our global society faces the challenge of moving from an industrial-growth society to a life-sustaining society. This shift is often referred to as “The Great Turning.”

permalink: The Great Turning


name of producer: Rox and Shane, Bare Feet Studios LLC

location: Kailua, Hawaiʻi

run time: 5:55

short summary: In our short walk of about 300 yards, we filled a big kitchen bag with dirty diapers, soda and beer cans of course, lots of plastic, and countless cigarrette butts.

permalink: Beach Walk #98 - Kailua Beach Clean-up



name of producer: pjkproductions

location: Nottingham, UK

run time: Around 6 minutes

short summary: An entertaining bit of satire written and edited and everything else by me, no help honest, except Rachel, my wife of course.

It's all about Al Gore's Concerts and how off setting carbon really is a load of old dingo's kidneys. Please read New Scientist for further Information.

permalink: http://pjkproductions.blogspot.com/2007/04/global-gore.html




name of producer: David Howell Studios

location: Minnesota

run time: 3:03 

short summary: The earth and myself are of one mind.  The measure of the land and the measure of our bodies are the same...

                            Hinonaton Yalatlat (1830-1904) Nez Perce Chief 

permalink: http://www.davidhowellstudios.com/2006/11/08/if-a-tree-falls